Through mixed media work, I explore the complexities of identity to foster a dialogue about acceptance and empowerment. My lived experience as a first-generation Indian American deeply influences my work, addressing repressed memories, trauma, and societal commentary. I often depict figures poised to break free from cultural and societal pressures. With both Indian and American cultural influences, my identity was often questioned, leading me, like many other children of immigrants, to create a third culture that embraces multiple identities. Additionally, my background as an epidemiologist has molded me to see many different perspectives. My works offer commentary on the acceptance of our bodies, gender, skin tone, and womanhood.

I primarily utilize traditional Indian art forms such as printmaking and embroidery. Learning these techniques connected me to my heritage and became a form of therapy. The repetitive motions of carving and embroidery help me process emotions, similar to EMDR, grounding myself and releasing stuck feelings. The depth of the carve into wood symbolizes the intensity of the emotions processed. In these works, faceless bodies adorned with mehndi highlight and celebrate 'problem' areas, reminding me that my body has protected and loved me.

The backgrounds in my work reflect my scientific background, featuring beakers and flasks, some with flowing patterns and others still bottled up, representing different emotions and memories being processed. By combining scientific and mehndi patterns, I symbolize the unity of my many identities. As I grow as an artist, my process has evolved to include found objects, textiles, and other materials, creating larger works that offer immersive and safe environments.

My art aims to start conversations about the diverse identities experienced by children of immigrants and people of color. As an activist, I use my art to challenge societal norms, create change, and open dialogue with the viewer. By leveraging my privileges, I strive to uplift voices and serve as a vessel for expressing thoughts and feelings. Through symbolism and personal experiences, I foster understanding and inspire the embrace of unique identities, narrating my perspective of the world and creating a safe space through my practice.